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  • Tidal grid: 

    • $46.00 + 6.5% sales tax per 24 hours

  • 220-ton Travel Lift: 

    • Call Harbormaster for estimate or see Travel Lift section

  • Boat launch ramp: 

    • $23.00 + 6.5% sales tax one way OR $86.25 + 6.5% sales tax per calendar year

  • Dockside hoist (Blue or Yellow): 

    • $17.25 + 6.5% sales tax per lift OR $57.50 + 6.5% sales tax per hour

  • 35-ton hydraulic trailer: 

    • Call Harbormaster for estimate

andy gray
harbor master
Phone (907) 945-3670
Cell Phone(907) 203-1317


Online Bill Pay

You can now pay your Harbor fees online!


City of Hoonah Harbor Rates for 2024

Harbor Rates

Transient Rates

Based on overall length of vessel or stall, whichever is greater

  • $0.80 per foot plus 6.5% sales tax for vessels under 80 ft.

  • $1.75 per foot plus 6.5% sales tax for vessels 80-100 ft.

  • Transient Float at the Harbor and the Downtown City Float will be Daily Rate Only from May 1st to September 30th.

  • Weekly rate is equal to 5 days of daily rate.

  • Monthly rate is $8.05 per foot plus 6.5% sales tax.

  • 3-Month rate is $17.25 per foot plus 6.5% sales tax.

Annual Stall Rates


  • Annual: $27.60 per foot + 6.5% city sales tax, based on overall length of stall or vessel, whichever is greater (See Moorage Stall Rates section for length and rates).

Charter Vessel Permit


$30.00 per calendar year + 6.5% sales tax

Crab Gear Storage


$520.00 per year + 6.5% sales tax

Crab Pot Storage


$750.00 per year + 6.5% sales tax



$11.50 minimum per month for annual stalls or True Cost + 6.5% sales tax

Forklift Rental


$86.25 per hour + 6.5% sales tax OR $345.00 per day + 6.5% sales tax



$46.00 per day + 6.5% sales tax

Hoist Blue or Yellow

**Long-term haul-outs for bottom repair over 20 days are encouraged to secure staging in local Storage Yard.**

Hydraulic Trailer haul outs are done at the Launch Ramp located on the east side of the small boat harbor.

  • Hydro Trailer Haul Out: $17.25 per foot, + 6.5% sales tax, for round trip

  • Pressure Wash Area usage fee: $12.25 + 6.5% sales tax

  • Electrical Hook-up: $8.63 per day + 6.5% sales tax

  • Launch Ramp fee: $23.00 + 6.5% sales tax each way.  In or Out. 

  • Staging: Minimum Staging fee $1.15 per foot of vessel length, plus 6.5% sales tax

    •     $1.15 per foot x vessel length, plus 6.5% sales tax, per day for first 10 days

    •     $1.25 per foot x vessel length, plus 6.5% sales tax, per day for next 5 days

    •     $1.50 per foot x vessel length, plus 6.5% sales tax, per day for additional days

Labor Rate


$75.00 per hour + 6.5% sales tax

Launch Ramp


$23.00 one way + 6.5% sales tax OR $86.25 per calendar year + 6.5% sales tax

Loader Rental


$172.50 per hour + 6.5% sales tax OR $690.00 per day + 6.5% sales tax



$86.25 per month minimum + 6.5% sales tax, OUTSIDE storage on designated floats or docks OR $86.25 per month + 6.5% sales tax minimum storage within the blue warehouse

Trailer Rental


  • Small trailer - $57.50 per day/use + 6.5% sales tax

  • Large trailer - $86.25 per day/use + 6.5% sales tax

Towing - Water or Road


$115.00 per hour one (1) hour minimum + 6.5% sales tax


All Commercial Users of City Owned Marine Ramps will be charged a flat rate of $200.00 per use or the wharfage rates established below, whichever is greater.

$4.03 per short ton + 6.5% sales tax OR $2.30 per yard of rock/dirt/sand + 6.5% sales tax

(907) 945-3663

P.O. Box 360 Hoonah, AK 99829

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