Carlos Frias
Chief of police
Rick Groshong
Police Commissioner
Department of Public Safety
(907) 945-3655 **9-1-1 for Emergency
The Hoonah Department of Public Safety includes:
Police Force
Volunteer Fire Department
Volunteer EMS Team
The Director of Public Safety is the Chief of Police, and oversees all of these departments, reporting to the Mayor. Stop by the Department of Public Safety to get an off-road license for your ATV or snow mobile, to register your pet, request DMV services, or to show your appreciation for the employees and volunteers. Meet the dedicated staff who are devoted to protecting and serving the unique community of Hoonah.
(907) 945-3650 for Drug Activity Hotline
Mission & Vision
Public Safety
Mission Statement:
Our mission is to serve the community of Hoonah with Integrity, Wisdom, Courage, and Compassion; working in partnership with the community to continually make Hoonah a great place to live, work and visit.
Vision Statement:
The Hoonah Department of Public Safety will provide the highest quality of Police services by working in partnership with the community to improve the quality of life in Hoonah, while at the same time maintaining respect for individual's rights and human dignity. This Department is committed to providing its members with quality leadership, the most updated training and equipment allowed to perform its mission.
Organizational Values
Partnership - we are committed to working in partnership with the community and each other to identify and resolve issues which impact public safety.
Respect - We are committed to respecting individual rights, human dignity, and value of all members of the community and the department.
Integrity - We are committed to nurturing the public trust by holding ourselves accountable to the highest standards of professionalism and ethics.
Dedication - we are committed to providing the highest quality of professional Law Enforcement service to the community with the goal of enhancing the quality of life in Hoonah.
Empowerment - We are committed to empowering our members and the community to resolve problems by creating an environment that encourages solutions and addresses the needs of the community.

About US
The City of Hoonah is located on the northeastern side of Chichagof Island, which is the northernmost major island in the Alexander Archipelago on the Alaskan panhandle and the fifth largest island in the nation. It is 40 air miles west of Juneau, Alaska's capital city. With no connecting roadway to the mainland, the town is reached by air service providers and a state ferry system.
It is the largest Tlingit village in Alaska. About 70% of its 850 residents are of Alaska Native heritage. Fishing is the mainstay of Hoonah's economy. Hoonah was incorporated as a first-class city under territorial law in 1946. It has a Mayor/City Council form of government.
The Hoonah Police Department (HPD) is the only municipal Police agency on Chichagof Island in Southeast Alaska. It is a full-service municipal Police department for the City of Hoonah. HPD also provides Police protection to surrounding areas on the local road system and operates a short-term detention facility.
The Department was first established in the 1940's during World War II. It grew over the years from a part-time Chief to up to five officers during the logging era which peaked in the late 1980's.
The Department is now recruiting for a Director of Public Safety/Chief of Police. There are 3 sworn Officers (when fully staffed), and civilian employees to include a full-time Administrative Assistant, three full-time dispatchers and several part-time dispatchers.
Officers in Hoonah are classified as Multi-Service Officers and are required to be Tri-Certified. They are trained and certified as not only Police Officers but as Firefighters and EMT responders as well. They are on duty or on call 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Officers patrol and answer calls for service in and near the City of Hoonah and along 300 miles of unpaved roads or shorelines leading to various recreational areas of the nearby Tongass National Forest in warm weather months. As State Certified Officers, they can be called to assist the State and other municipalities as needed.
There is also an Alaska Wildlife Trooper post in Hoonah, Trooper Derek Norris.
Hoonah Volunteer EMS Team
Emergency Medical Services
Terry Fiske, Chief of EMS
The City of Hoonah's EMS team consists of over 14 volunteer EMTs ranging from EMT-1 to EMT-3 levels. The EMS Team is on call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, to respond to medical emergencies in Hoonah and its surrounding areas. The EMS Team retains two fully-functioning ambulances as well as a modified ambulance for off-road emergencies. The EMS Team coordinates with the US Coast Guard and Guardian Flight for medivac needs.
Hoonah Volunteer Fire Department
Hoonah Volunteer Fire Department
Ryan Neal, Fire Chief
The Hoonah Volunteer Fire Department consists of over 14 volunteer Firefighters ranging from Firefighter I to Firefighter II levels. Some Firefighters are cross-trained and also serve on the Volunteer EMS Team. The Fire Department retains two structure fire engines, along with a foam truck, and covers the city limits of Hoonah which is roughly 6.6 miles. The Fire Department also works alongside the USDA Forest Service Hoonah Ranger District, assisting them upon request.
External Links
Juneau DMV online services - https://online.dmv.alaska.gov/DMVWebCams/office/juneauoffice.htm
Alaska State Troopers - http://www.dps.state.ak.us/ast/
Alaska Police Standards Council - http://www.dps.state.ak.us/apsc/
State of Alaska Sex Offender Registry - http://www.dps.state.ak.us/Sorweb/sorweb.aspx/
Office of Children's Services Child Abuse Reporting - http://dhss.alaska.gov/ocs/Pages/offices/map.aspx 1-888-622-1650
Mandatory Reporters of Child Abuse Information - http://dhss.alaska.gov/ocs/Pages/publications/reportingchildabuse.aspx
Amber Alert Program - http://www.missingkids.org/amber
Federal Bureau of Investigation - https://www.fbi.gov/
National Law Enforcement Officer Memorial Fund - http://www.nleomf.com/
Domestic Violence Shelters & Advocates - http://doa.alaska.gov/vccb/VictimServices/sheltersAdvocates.html
AWARE: Aiding Women in Abuse & Rape Emergencies, Inc. - http://awareak.org/ JUNEAU CRISIS LINE: 907-586-1090
The National Domestic Violence Hotline - http://www.thehotline.org/resources/ 1-800-799-SAFE
Alaska Network on Domestic Violence & Sexual Assault - http://www.andvsa.org/
Crime Stoppers/Juneau Crime Line - http://juneaucrimeline.com/contactus.aspx
NAMI Juneau: National Alliance on Mental Health - http://www.namijuneau.org/
Public Announcements
*The Department of Public Safety is working with the State of Alaska to implement a satellite DMV branch here in Hoonah at the Police Station. Please stay tuned for this exciting new development to unfold!
*Hoonah Department of Public Safety publishes daily Press Releases, posted in the lobby each morning.
*Join the Nixle team today! Receive prompt, up-to-date public safety information as it occurs, directly to your phone or email at NO COST! This is a free service, BUT YOU MUST SIGN UP! Registration is easy. See below, call the Hoonah Police Department, or ask an Officer:
Go to http://www.nixle.com or
Text your ZIP CODE to 888777 to receive local alerts through SMS!
You can also join us on Facebook!
Public Safety CURRENT Officers
Carlos Frias, Chief of Police
Rick Groshong, Police Commissioner
Yuriy Bezzubenko, Sergeant
Judson Hack, Officer
24 HOUR DISPATCH: 907-945-3655
The Hoonah Police Department shoulder patch is available for purchase for $10.00 per patch for our normal yellow patches and $10.00 per patch for our Breast Cancer Awareness patches. While supplies last. If you are interested in obtaining one of our shoulder patches, please submit the correct amount per patch and designate if you prefer pink or yellow and send along with a self-addressed envelope to:
ATTN: Hoonah Police Department Patch Request
PO Box 450
Hoonah, AK 99829
To purchase a patch, you must be affiliated with a law enforcement agency. You must provide your Dispatch I.D. and or a copy of your identification with the law enforcement agency ( for example, a business card).
You may also purchase a Hoonah Police Department shoulder patch at our City Hall Administration Office located at 300 Front Street, Monday through Friday from 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM.
We are very proud of the design of our department patch and hope you enjoy owning one.